Third Person Subject Verb Agreement

Third Person Subject-Verb Agreement: A Guide for Effective Writing

As a writer, it`s crucial to pay attention to subject-verb agreement when composing your sentences. This aspect of grammar ensures that your work is clear and easy to read, and it can also have a significant impact on your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. In this article, we will discuss third-person subject-verb agreement and share tips for using it correctly in your writing.

What is third-person subject-verb agreement?

Third-person subject-verb agreement refers to matching the verb tense with the subject of a sentence. When writing in the third person, the subject of the sentence is a third-party person, thing, or entity. Therefore, the verb must agree with the subject`s number and person.

For instance, if the subject is singular, the verb must be singular, and if the subject is plural, the verb must be plural. Similarly, if the subject is in the present tense, the verb must also be in the present tense.

Examples of correct third-person subject-verb agreement:

– He walks his dog every morning.

– She enjoys reading novels.

– They are playing basketball.

Tips for using third-person subject-verb agreement

1. Identify the subject of your sentence

The first step in using third-person subject-verb agreement is identifying the subject of your sentence. Once you know the subject, you can determine whether it is singular or plural and whether it is in the present or past tense.

2. Use the correct verb tense

After identifying the subject, the next step is to use the corresponding verb tense. If the subject is singular and present, use a singular present verb. If the subject is plural and past, use a plural past verb.

3. Avoid subject-verb disagreement

Subject-verb disagreement often occurs when the subject and verb do not match in number or tense. This can lead to confusion and make your writing difficult to understand. Be sure to check your work for subject-verb disagreement and correct any errors.

4. Be consistent in your writing

Consistency is key when it comes to subject-verb agreement. Stick to one tense throughout your writing and ensure that your verbs match the number of your subjects.


In conclusion, third-person subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of effective writing and SEO. By understanding how to match verbs with subjects, you can ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and easy to read. Remember to always identify your subject, use the correct verb tense, avoid subject-verb disagreement, and maintain consistency in your writing. By following these tips, you can improve the quality of your writing and enhance your SEO efforts.

Verbal Agreement Vs Court Order

When it comes to legal matters, verbal agreements can be a tricky subject. While they may seem like a simple way to settle disputes, verbal agreements can often lead to misunderstandings and legal battles. On the other hand, court orders can provide a clear and legally binding solution to disputes. In this article, we will explore the differences between verbal agreements and court orders, and why court orders are generally the more reliable option.

Verbal Agreements

Verbal agreements are agreements that are made by spoken communication rather than by written contract. They can take many forms and can be used to settle a variety of disputes, from business deals to interpersonal conflicts. While verbal agreements can be binding under certain circumstances, they are generally not considered legally enforceable in court.

One of the main issues with verbal agreements is that they can be difficult to prove in court. Without a written contract, it can be challenging to provide evidence of what was agreed upon. Additionally, verbal agreements are often based on trust and goodwill between the parties involved. If one party decides to break the agreement or interpret it differently, it can lead to significant disagreements and legal disputes.

Court Orders

Court orders, on the other hand, are legally binding instructions issued by a court to resolve disputes. They are typically used to settle more complex or serious disputes such as custody battles, divorce proceedings, or civil lawsuits. When a court issues an order, it must be followed by all parties involved. Failure to comply with a court order can result in significant legal consequences, including fines and jail time.

The primary advantage of court orders is that they provide a clear and legally enforceable solution to disputes. Because court orders are issued by a judge or court, they carry more weight than a verbal agreement. They are also backed by the power of the law, which means that failure to comply with a court order can result in significant legal consequences.

Which One is Better?

When it comes to legal disputes, court orders are generally the more reliable option. While verbal agreements can be binding under certain circumstances, they are often difficult to prove in court and may not be legally enforceable. Court orders, on the other hand, provide a clear and legally binding solution to disputes. They are issued by a court and are backed by the power of the law, which means that failure to comply with a court order can result in significant legal consequences.

In summary, verbal agreements and court orders both have their place in legal disputes. However, court orders are generally the more reliable option. They provide a legally binding solution to disputes and are backed by the power of the law. If you are involved in a legal dispute, it is important to seek legal advice to determine the best course of action.